JCARA, Inc. March, 2014 Minutes


Meeting called to Order by President Charlie, N2PKW.
Prayer led by Chuck, N9RRI.
Pledge of Allegience, led by Charlie, N2PKW.


Charlie, AG5CC gave a comprehensive review of the B. O. D. Meetings held earlier in the Month. Club strengths and weaknesses were examined. Our job is to build on the strengths and to remediate the weaknesses; thus enabeling Club growth, improvements, projects, education and how to set goals and achieve them. More involvement by Club Members is encouraged.

Quorum Declared.

Visitors: Alex, KG5AFG

Sick Call: 

Nick, K5BQJ – Doctor Appointment

Secretarial Report:

February Report given by Secretary Valerie, N9RQX; Ammendments and Corrections: mis-read call sign; Motion to Accept by Chuck, N9RRI; Seconded by Dave, AF5DQ; Motion Carried.

Treasurers Report:

Given by Charlie, AG5CC; Motion to Accept by Dave, AF5DQ; Seconded by Carl, WU5D; Motion Carried.

Old Business:

Repeater Committee: 

Charlie, N2PKW reported on the progress of the 440 Installation; checking out possible new site. 

Rental Storage: 

Facility Secured.

Field Day: 

Chris, K5MOZ informed us of the Vancleave Sports Arena E. O. C. Shelter and it is open for our use that weekend. It is a secure location with air conditioning and antenna feed – throughs are provided. There is a big call for Techs to get on HF.


Most line items were retained with two addendums and a few deletions, with much discussion. Motion to Accept Budget by Chuck, N9RRI; Seconded by Chris, K5MOZ; Motion Carried.

Next Scheduled Meeting is April, 29th.

New Business:

Chris, K5MOZ asked for volunteers to help with the Hamfest.
Chris, K5MOZ asked for more Net Controllers. Anyone interested, please contact Chris.

Richard, AF5AQ is looking for volunteers to take over Coffee and Refreshments.

President Charlie, N2PKW called for a Motion to Adjourn; Motion Accepted by Chris, K5MOZ; Seconded by Dave, AF5DQ; Motion Carried; Meeting Adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted by
Valerie, N9RQX
JCARA, Inc. Club Secretary